OK, so here is our schedule for the first week of school ... I received a list of basic curriculum for my kindergartner and 2nd grader at Basic Skills curriculum. I am going to use this a base for what I teach this year. I will post our lesson plans, but I reserve the right to change it up at anytime. If my daughter is struggling in one area then we might work on it a little longer. If they are having so much fun in an area we might focus on it a little longer. I am so excited to get started. I love being my children's mom and am excited to get to spend more quality time with them this year. Our first week is really going to be review things they remember from last year and to gage where we need to start our studies this year. It will be fun to see how much our lesson plans will change as the year progresses and as we become adjusted to home schooling.
Monday "FUN DAY" -
In Kindergarten Koby's teacher designated every Monday as "Monday fun day". So by special request that great idea will continue in our school. This day we are going to play hide n' go seek in the house.
- Morning Routine
-Koby- Addition flash cards, A timed addition pretest, spelling words
-Camryn - Letter recognition (see what she doesn't know or remember from preschool) Writing her name.
Tuesday "Library Day"
- Morning Routine
Discuss Septembers Project theme: Airplanes. Tell the story of the Wright brothers. Make paper airplanes and race them.
-Koby- Spelling words, reading
-Camryn- Letter A, Practice writing her first name and Big A and little a,
Wednesday "Nature Journals" visit Nature Journals for more info.
-Morning Routine
I am going to take the kids on a walk in the Wet Lands Park near our house. I think Koby is going to love this every week.
-Camryn - Work on numbers again.
Thursday "Craft Day"
- Morning routine
-Koby - Spelling Test, reading 15 minutes
-Camryn- site words, reading Dick And Jane Book 15 min.
Craft day activity: Make Play Dough
-Morning Routine
-Koby - Math test, reading 15 minutes,
-Camryn - Letter B, color and do a worksheet on the letter B
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