Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Project

Our project theme this month is... PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. We have the opportunity to elect a new president ever 4 years and it is taking place November of this year. What a more fitting subject for my children. 

Today for our first discussion we talked about Columbus and how he helped discover this wonderful country. How the people who lived here wanted to be free and to not have to answer to a king or queen. How men, women, children, old and the young fought for our freedom to choose for ourself. After the war was over the people elected George Washington to be our first President of the United States. As time went on there became a devision among our people, which George Washington discouraged, those separate parties became know as the Republican and Democratic parties. Then we talked about who was running for president in the 2008 election. I told them that at the end of our learning all that we could about these candidates that they will be asked to vote. After we find out who the winner is we will open up there ballots to see who they chose to be the next President of the United States. 

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Melissa I heard you guys moved. I hope we get to see you guys at Christmas... because I always look forward to catching up and seeing my cute nieces and nephew. Love you guys.